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Latest Business News Stories

Latest Business News Stories Page 5

This is page 5 of the latest Business news stories and essential articles written by Pat Prescott and other journalists for NewsOXY. Today is Saturday, December 31, 2011.

Banks Sued For Deceptive Practices

Banks Sued - The Massachusetts attorney general has filed a lawsuit against five large U.S. banks accusing them of deceptive foreclosure practices, a signal of ebbing confidence that a multi-state agreement can be worked out. Attorney General Martha Coakley said on Thursday she filed the lawsuit partly because it has been taking too long to [...]

Toygaroo Website Rents Toys For Christmas

Toygaroo - Toygaroo, the self-proclaimed Netflix of toys, allows parents to sign up for a monthly account and rent out toys for their children for Christmas or all-year long. Now you can let your kids play with those Angry Birds until they get bored and give them back. As the holiday gift-giving season approaches, the [...]

Best And Worst Run 50 States

The best run and worst 50 states in a country we call America. Just how well do the elected public officials operate and budget their dollars? The answer depends a lot on where you live. For the second year, 24/7 Wall St. has reviewed data on financial health, standard of living and government services by [...]

Scotch Whisky and Shortage Feared As Asian, Latin American As Water Demand Soars

Growing international demand for Scotch whisky is reportedly causing some to fear that there may be a shortage as Asian and Latin America demand rises. Some Islay distilleries shut down last year because of a water shortage, causing production to slow. Scotch Whisky Shortage - Growing international demand for Scotch whisky is reportedly causing some [...]

November Jobs Report 2011

November Jobs Report - November’s employment report is expected to show improvement over last month but still portray a very weak market for jobs. Economists have been forecasting a total 125,000 non-farm payrolls were added in November, but that number could disappoint markets that are geared up for a slightly better number. The economists forecast [...]

Coca Cola Ditches White Cans For Red Christmas

Coca Cola White Cans - Coca Cola releases white soda cans but the feedback has been negative, so the company announced today they will ditch them for the red Christmas ones for next week. “When it comes to our soda cans, Americans are quite conservative, it seems.” Coca-Cola announced that after only a month of [...]

10 Things About Contractors

10 Things About Contractors - Here are 10 important things to know about contractors. The way people constantly complain and moan about work stress, a*****e coworkers, workplace bullies, and bad bosses, you’d think there’s nothing worse on God’s green Earth than having to drag our sad butts out of bed in the morning and sit [...]

Credit Unions Vs. Banks

Credit Unions Vs. Banks - Credit unions are owned by their customers or, in industry parlance, “members”, big banks are owned by their shareholders. A key narrative of the recent Bank Transfer Day was to pit normally sleepy credit unions against the big banking industry. Skeptics are quick to point out the fact that credit [...]

Bank Courier Van Dumps $100K In Cash Along Highway

Bank Van Dumps Cash - A bank courier van spilled more than $100,000 in cash along a Pennsylvania highway on Thursday, after one of the doors opened up. and motorists stopped to grab it. Police say much of the money was blown around by the wind after the bag burst open when it hit the [...]

McDonald’s To Charge 10 Cents For Toys Happy Meal

McDonalds Charge Happy Meal - McDonald’s will begin to charge an extra 10 cents for Happy Meal toys to support the Ronald McDonald House charity. A new city law aimed at making fast food for kids follow nutritional guidelines won’t be making the food healthier, just more expensive - if you want a toy. Beginning [...]

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