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Latest Health News Stories

Latest Health News Stories Page 4

This is page 4 of the latest Health news stories and essential articles written by John Lester and other journalists for NewsOXY. Today is Thursday, November 10, 2011.

Antidepressants Up 400 Percent, 11% Use The Drugs

Antidepressants apparently keep 11% of Americans, according to new data from the federal government. Antidepressant use among Americans has jumped 400% in the last 20 years. The medications apparently keep a lot of people functional, according to new data from the federal government. The most recent statistics about antidepressant use in the United States, released [...]

Bagged Salad Salmonella Recall At Taylor Farms

Bagged Salad Recall Initiated After Product Tested Positive For Salmonella Bagged Salad Recall - Taylor Farms’ Fresh Selections are being pulled from store shelves nationwide. A random test of a finished package of spinach triggered the measure. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has announced the recall of 3,265 cases of various salad blends because [...]

Malaria Vaccine Showing Positive Results

A Malaria vaccine is showing some positive results in working against the disease. First trial results show the new test drug significantly reduces children’s chances of contracting the deadly disease, reports Reuters. Joe Cohen, a 68-year-old molecular biologist working for GlaxoSmithKline, has spent the past 24 years trying to create the world’s first malaria vaccine, [...]

Drunkorexia Effects Have Long Term Health Consequences

Drunkorexia Effects Have Long Term Health Consequences - Study. The combination of eating an unhealthy diet and consuming a lot of alcohol is known as “drunkorexia” by many health professionals. It is popular among teens and college students, according to a new study from the University of Missouri. Researchers found that 16 percent of those [...]

Doctors Charged With Stealing Live Organs

Two doctors in Brazil are charged with stealing live organs from patients. Those patients later died in the hospital. Drs. Pedro Torrecillas and Rui Sacramento are each charged with four homicides in a trial that started Monday. A third doctor named, Mariano Fiore Junior is being charged as an accomplice. According to court documents, the [...]

Cheerleaders Breast Cancer Shirts Stir Controversy Over Team’s Slogan

Gilbert High School principal Charles Santa Cruz saw things differently when his cheerleaders wore breast cancer shirts with the team slogan, “feel for lumps, save your bumps,” written on the back to support research, according to the Arizona Republic. The move has sparked controversy and a backlash from local area residents. The shirts read “Gilbert [...]

Giant Eagle Lettuce Recall Due To Listeria Contamination

Giant Eagle has issued a recall on lettuce, particularly certain bags of its Farmer’s Market brand, from its stores due to listeria contamination. The bacteria was found during a routine random sample of the product by the Food and Drug Administration. Upon getting the results, the Pittsburgh-based grocery chain immediately issued a recall on the [...]

Cantaloupe Listeria Toll Rises

The Cantaloupe Listeria outbreak death toll rises to 23, making it the deadliest rate of any food-borne illnesses in the United States in more than 25 years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday that 116 people have been sickened in the outbreak, including those who died. The number of deaths has now [...]

Vitamin E And Prostate Cancer Risk Study

Taking Vitamin E increases prostate cancer risk, according to a national study of 25,000 men. Many urologists believe that it has not been proven to prevent prostate issues. The debate started when some physicians recommended the supplement to lower the risk. However, they found it made no difference. Now, the latest results from the federal [...]

Turn Off Peanut Allergies By Tricking Immune System

Scientists have found a way to turn off peanut allergies by tricking the immune systems in mice, which they believe can potentially be the human cure. The problem develops when the body detects a foreign particle as an invasive and triggers an immune response. In the case of nuts, the human body triggers an extreme [...]

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