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Amazon Book Written By Convicted Killer

11/05/2011 07:13 AM ET

Amazon Book Convicted Killer - Amazon is selling a book written by convicted killer Charles Kembo. It consist of 372 pages and was released by Publish America on Jan. 20, 2010.

Now, The Trinity of Superkidds: Quest for Water, is being sold at Amazon. The publish date coincided with Kembo’s trial on four counts of first-degree murder, according to British Columbia publication The Province. The trial ended in June 2010, with the accused being found guilty on all counts and sentenced to life in prison with no parole eligibility for 25 years.

The sale of the children’s adventure story has sparked new discussions about the business practices of the online marketplace behemoth. In the past, the website has been blasted for selling The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lover’s Code of Conduct along with other distasteful items centered on a male protagonist who rapes a mother and her two daughters.

The author is listed as J. D. Bauer, a pseudonym used by convicted serial killer Kembo, according to the Province. The British Columbia publication cites an interview Kembo had with journalist Julie Burtinshaw, in which he allegedly admitted penning the book about three fun-loving teens in a post-apocalyptic world without water.

Kembo allegedly told Burtinshaw it sold 14,000 copies in the first two weeks and had been optioned for a movie by an American studio, the Province reported. The convicted killer also allegedly told Burtinshaw that he prefers “to write in semi-darkness, alone in the nude.”

It sells on Amazon for $15.95, but whether it is a good read is up for debate. Regardless, it is unlikely Santa will be including this book on his rounds come Christmas morning.

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Source: Amazon Book Convicted Killer


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